Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Student:  On the last post you said to think of fun ways to study! Do you have any ideas?

MMS Blog says: Sure, You can make your flash cards with colors or pictures on them, it makes it more fun to look at! You could also make up fun mnemonic devices in your head like for example: Potassium's symbol is K which is pretty hard to remember! So what I do is think potassium is oK! And of course there's always studying with your friend!

Student: Wow what great ideas!
Student: I'm not doing so well on my quizzes and tests... can you help me start a schedule for studying?

MMS Blog says: Sure, what you should do is, when you find out you have a quiz soon, start studying right away. Because the more you study, the bigger the chance of your getting a good grade. And you should find a way to make your studying fun!

Students: Thanks, that helps a lot!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Student: I'm having trouble getting to my classes on time... can you help me?

MMS blog says: Well, what you should do is, make a schedule for yourself. Like for example:  Time yourself...spend one minute at your locker then spend 30-50 seconds getting to your class (depending on how far away it is). Then go into the class and snag a good spot, so you can spend the remaining 2:30 min. doing whatever you like!

Student: Thanks, you saved my attendance record!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Answer to the Homework Challenge!!!

MMS blog says: Do  as much of your homework as you can during Activity period, then do the rest of your homework right when you get home, that way the rest of the day will be homework free! Also you should do your least favorite subject first then go in order by due date!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Student: How can I deal with all my homework????

MMS Blog Says: read our blog for the answers to this question and for other interesting tips, facts, and upcoming events...

Student: That's such a great idea!